Feeling like life just isn't what you expected? Like you are simply going through the motions of life and living in a way that leaves you feeling disconnected from yourself?

After feeling lost and disconnected from myself years ago, I reached out and sought therapy. The School of Self Discovery is a culmination of what I have learned over the course of 6 years of therapy, a Masters degree in Counselling Psych and the day to day practicing of being mindfully present with my own truth. It is a place for people to explore and understand themselves in new and different ways.

When we understand ourselves from a new perspective, it promotes and fosters sustainable positive change in our life. It's time to explore your uniqueness and help you grow into the person you are meant to be.

"Kelly is one of the most amazing people I have ever worked with. She is so compassionate and caring. She cares deeply about her students and genuinely supports people to become the best version of themselves."

- Sara C.

Becoming You: Discover your Authentic Self

Tired of pretending to be someone else?

...And ready to live a free, joyful, powerful life of full authenticity?

Isn’t it time to stop being dominated by what other people think? To live YOUR life? To be your true, authentic self? To create a life that makes you happy, and not someone else?

Truly joyful, happy people are those who live wholehearted, authentic lives. They don't pretend to be someone else and don't let the opinions of others command them. 

They are FREE to be the person they were made to be. Free to live the authentic life. Free to love themselves for who they are. 

And yet so often, we feel driven and ruled by what OTHER people want. We want to be authentic…BUT WE DON’T KNOW HOW.

This course os meant to help you know, love and live in alignment with your True Self.

The Healthy Life: A 5-Day Get Moving Challenge!

Begin the Journey to a healthy life in only 5 days!

Do you struggle with the IDEA of getting healthy?

Do you shudder at the idea of the gym? 

Do you get nervous at the thought of trying to get in shape? 

GREAT news! In just 5 days, you can learn simple, powerful ways to start getting healthy. 

This 5 day challenge will guide you through simple actions you can take every day that will get you moving. 

So are you in? 

The Goal Setting Challenge: 5 Days To Achieving What You Want

Dramatically Increase Your Ability to Set and Achieve Your Goals in Only 5 Days!

Do you struggle with goal setting? 

Is it hard for you to actually ACHIEVE the things you want to? 

Do you get nervous at the thought of setting goals? 

GREAT news! In just 5 days, you can learn powerful ways to set and ACHIEVE your goals. 

This 5-day email challenge will guide you through simple actions you can take each day that will increase both your productivity and goal-setting ability. 

So, are you in? 

Hi, I’m Kelly Vipond

I am an educator, counsellor and passionate advocate for personal growth. My own journey of growth has greatly informed my work and helped me to create the School of Self Discovery.

I am elated to work with you and I hope you find what you are looking for here.